Can Instagram Video call be Recorded? Safety Truth

Instagram Video Call: In today’s time, a lot of people use social media and the most popular social media platform is Instagram. People use it to post stories and also to interact with their friends because Instagram’s platform is very interesting and people do different types of activities on it like talking to their friends, posting stories, and watching reels so that they get entertained and at the same time they also stay connected with their friends.

A lot of people also chat with their friends and family on Instagram and many people among them use Instagram for video calls, some people also worry whether the video call they are making is safe or not because many people on Instagram talk to unknown people, that is.

As we know Instagram is a social media platform on which you can make new friends, all of them may be quite unknown whom you do not know personally in your life, and if you have did you talk to them on a video call on Instagram?

That video calls can be recorded and can’t they be recorded? Those who talk very personally on video calls. so in today’s blog, we will know whether screen recording of Instagram video calls can be done or not.

So the answer is yes if you are talking to someone on Instagram on a video call and if that person wants, he can record the screen of your video call.

Does Instagram notify when you screen record a video call?

Many people doubt that if someone takes a screen record of our video call, will they get a notification that the other person has taken a screen record, then the answer to this is no, if someone takes a screen record, then you will not get any notification and neither will you know that the other person has taken screen recording.

Does Instagram notify you when you screen-record a video call?
Does Instagram notify you when you screen-record a video call?

How to make secure Instagram video call?

Let’s know how you can keep your video calls secure on Instagram. When you make video calls, through Instagram. then you should keep these things in mind.

How to make secure video calls on Instagram?
How to make secure video calls on Instagram?
  1. First of all, whenever you chat on a video call on Instagram, keep in mind that you do not do any personal conversation through your Instagram video call
  2. Try not to talk to unknown people through video call
    That is, do not talk to people on video calls whom you do not know personally.
  3. Apart from this, if you ever get a video call on Instagram from an unknown person, then never pick it up.

Also Read: New Update: Instagram continues working to block chat Screenshots

If you keep these things in mind, then you can secure your Instagram video calls.

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